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Benefit from the 360° approach

BYPE and the softer BYPE SFX will help you to improve your stroke control without sacrificing spin or speed.


On the contrary

This perfectly coordinated rubber composition is the boost for your game that you have been looking for so long. The balanced combination of grippy top sheet and TENSOR sponge supports the versatile and multi-faceted modern table tennis game.


Feel how your topspins gain spin and speed

while the comfortable, forgiving feedback of the TENSOR sponge supports you in reactive situations.

andro BYPE is the ideal intermediate stop on the way from the Essentials GTT to the performance legends of the HEXER series.

BYPE and BYPE SFX also have everything you need to support your game for years to come.


  • 45° hard sponge
  • Direct feedback, easy handling
  • Grippy, modern top rubber for variable and dangerous topspins
  • Ideal for variable topspin players
  • 100% TENSOR Power


  • 40° rubber with TENSOR energy
  • High ball control and fun to play
  • Direct feedback, soft feel
  • Increased fault tolerance and control
  • Grippy top rubber for variable and dangerous topspins
  • Versatile play, comfort and fun


43.95 €


43.95 €